EmergEd Project

In line with the research ethics principles of the University of Potsdam, Emerged is scrutinized by the University’s Ethics Committee (Ethikkommission), chaired by Prof. Dr. Dr. Michael Rapp.

In addition, EmergEd follows the requirements of the European Research Council (ERC) and its research activities are overseen by an independent Ethics Advisor, Dr. Joschka Haltaufderheide.

The Ethics Advisor oversees the ethical dimension of the project and acts as an independent ethics expert, monitoring whether the ethics issues raised are satisfactorily dealt with during project implementation, and, if needed, advise the Principal Investigator and the research team on how to handle them.

The independent Advisor performs this role in accordance with the highest ethical standards and best practice as specified in the EC guidance document Ethics Advisors and Ethics Advisory Boards: Roles and Function in EU-funded Projects (EC, 2023) and related documents; including maintaining independence, integrity and confidentiality.

References: European Commission (2023) Ethics Advisors and Ethics Advisory Boards: Roles and Function in EU-funded Projects v2.0. European Commission DG Research and Innovation (February 2023). https://ec.europa.eu/info/funding-tenders/opportunities/docs/2021-2027/horizon/guidance/roles-and-functions-of-ethics-advisory-ethics-advisory-boards-in-ec-funded-projects_he_en.pdf